My 60th birthday was very special. Good friends joined me for a gala concert. Pictured from the left are Alexa Still (pretending to be short like the rest of us. Lois Hobbs our great pianist and one of my adopted flute daughters Lisa Vanarsdel.
Taken the same day of the birthday concert here is Alexa at her true height. Yes, the concert was over and we had a great time.
Lorna McGhee and I met at a NFA convention and she has become another adopted flute daughter. Watch for this rising young performer in the near future! She will be a "headliner" at the 2004 NFA Convention. This was taken when she was guest artist at Flute Festival Mid-South.
Susan Hoeppner is a new flute friend. We met in Toronto while I was doing research. We are fortunate to have Susan as our Guest artist at Flute Festival Mid-South 2004
Carrie is an adopted flute grand daughter. This photo was taken when she was six and played on the final concert of Flute Festival Mid-South. She is a student of my friend Ruth Ann McClain.
This was taken when Teresa Beaman (right) and her pianist aunt, Mary Lou Paschal presented their wonderful "flower" concert at my university.
These are my friends Ruth Ann McClain and Matej Zupan. This was taken when Matej was the guest artist for the Flute Festival Mid-South. Matej is from Slovenia and is a super player. Ruth Ann is a internationally known teacher.
This is one of my students who did not practice their scales - had to turn them to stone.